Theine Free



Organic Spicy Passion

Flavoured rooibos - Spicy & Gourmet


An unexpected pairing between mellow South African organic rooibos and Indian chai spices creates a voluptuous experience with notes of ginger and cinnamon.

100 g pouch

We ship all over the world

  • Infusion Time 5'

  • Quantity 6 g / 30 cl

  • Temperature of infusion 95°C - 200°F

  • Time of the day Evening


An enchanting creation

Spicy Passion is an unexpected love match between organic rooibos, a caffeine-free South African plant, and the traditional Indian chai tea recipe. With its notes of ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom, it stimulates the senses for a delicious experience.

A flavoursome and spicy organic blend

Drawing inspiration from these fascinating traditions, Palais des Thés team have brought these two cultures together in this unusual but beautifully balanced and flavorsome blend. Composed in a gourmet spirit, Spicy Passion subtly charms the senses. Being caffeine-free, it can be enjoyed at any time.

Discover our cocktail recipes with Spicy Passion for knowing, gourmet, shivering times.

Suggestion of preparation

Prepare this rooibos warm: 

With the teapot or the tasting set: 4 minutes in water heated to 185°F.

Prepare latte rooibos:

Steep 8g in a mixture of 25cl of water at 95°C and 25cl of hot milk for 5min.

Find out more about how to prepare a latte.

Tea and dishes message

Our Tea Sommeliers' advice: “A cup of organic Imperial Chai pairs perfectly with rum baba.”


Lemonade with Spicy Passion

Lemonade with Spicy Passion

1 large pitcher

Peparation time : 5 minutes

Infusion time : 5 hours

View cocktail

Tea ingredients

Rooibos* (South Africa) (64%), cinnamon* (15%), ginger* (10%), cardamom* (3%), cloves*, pepper*, natural cinnamon flavouring, pineapple*, marigold petals*.

*Organically grown ingredients.

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