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A very fine crop, with many buds for this very particular type of tea. Its powerful scent is reminiscent of damp soil and bark. Its name means "trouser bottom". A Chinese folk tale tells how the tea pickers keep the best leaves for themselves, hiding them in their pockets before taking them home with them.
Pu Erh tea is highly regarded in Chinese medicine for its curative properties. It lowers cholesterol levels, they say, it dissolves fats, helps digestion, improves blood circulation and lowers the effects of alcohol.
This tea improves with age, owing to the specific type of fermentation that affects the tannins.
Suggestion of preparation
With the tasting set: 4 minutes in water heated to 95°C.
With the Gong Fu Cha (teapot/Gaiwan): 5 infusions during 30-40 secondes.
To prepare iced tea:
Steep 16g in 1L of water at room temperature 45min. Remove the tea leaves and refrigerate.
To prepare latte tea:
Steep 8g in a mixture of 25cl of water at 95°C and 25cl of hot milk for 5min.
Find out more about the latte preparation.

Tea ingredients
dark tea (China)